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How Investing in Seaports Ensures the World’s Business Profits
Global shipments are subject to unexpected delays when seaports become clogged with arriving containers and truckers cannot get to the shipments they need in a timely manner.
The risk of such costly delays is on the increase. That’s because the nation’s ports are starting to feel the strain of a burgeoning flow of containers from ships that are growing ever larger in size. The result? Goods arrive late. Orders get canceled. That threatens the profits of enterprises large and small along the entire supply chain.
How can costly delays in the delivery of cargo be avoided? That’s the subject of a new white paper, “How Investing in Seaports Ensures Business Profits.”
The white paper provides answers to these questions:
Healthy, modernized seaports are essential for the profitability of businesses and investors everywhere. Our new white paper answers these questions and details the areas of seaports where investments will bring the biggest payback.